Guided by the University of Saskatchewan's University Plan 2025, Administrative Services Renewal is focused on aligning our people, operational structures, and resources to create an administrative environment purpose-built for collaboration and support. Through consultation, collaboration, and co-design, project teams are working with senior leaders and employees to build on the shared services model and strengthen and integrate service design and delivery in ways that support our students, faculty, staff, and leaders.

Administrative Services Renewal is a multi-year journey that will help USask:

Service culture Staff retention Collaborative Network


Integrate, clarify, and provide consistent service delivery to improve user experiences.


Improve employee retention and provide greater opportunities for professional development and career growth.


Build supportive, aligned, and networked communities of practice for employees across campus.


  • Employees will have streamlined and consistent access to onboarding, training, and professional development opportunities to support career growth. Processes and roles will be clarified, services will be defined, and employees will be supported through a network of professional colleagues to ensure greater work-life balance.
  • Faculty will benefit from administrative services that are more coordinated, effective, and consistent, thereby reducing administrative burdens. More time and focused attention can go towards their research and teaching mission.
  • Leaders will have access to embedded professionals that are connected centrally and have knowledge of institutional policies, processes, and systems that can be applied within their local setting to ensure strategic and operational alignment. 


Administrative services support the operational needs of the university community and assist the institution in achieving its academic and research mission.

As the first phase of this work, project teams have been established to focus efforts on aligning and enhancing administrative support and communications and marketing functions across colleges, schools, and senior leadership portfolios. 

Administrative Network Project
The Administrative Network Project team is working with leaders and admin professionals to co-design administrative networks that serve as a connection for admin professionals from complimentary colleges, schools, and units.
Learn more. 

Communications and Marketing Project
The Communications and Marketing Project team is working with leaders and communicators to co-design and implement a new way of working together to improve brand consistency and provide a continuum of high-quality communications and marketing support across the institution. 
Learn more.

Who is leading this work?

Supported by the Provost and Vice-President Academic and the Vice-President Administration, this work is being led by a core team who is collaborating with senior leaders and representatives from across campus as they identify, analyze, and help make change recommendations to USask’s current administrative environment. Considering everything from the university’s administrative operational structures to its human capital, processes, and resources, the team is learning from those with lived experience to ensure their voices are heard, their needs are addressed, and their successes are learned from and amplified on campus.

By working with colleges, schools, and units, we are ensuring USask has the right administrative conditions for success.

Dr. Vince Bruni-Bossio, Vice-Provost, Strategy Realization

Dr. Vince Bruni-Bossio, Acting Provost and Vice-President Academic

Greg Fowler, Vice-President Administration and Chief Operating Officer
Greg Fowler, Vice-President Administration and Chief Operating Officer
Chantel Laventure, Director, Shared Services
Chantel Laventure, Director, Shared Services
Andy Barber, Senior Project Manager, Administrative Network Project

Andy Barber, Senior Project Manager, Administrative Network Project

Melanie Nahachewsky, Senior Project Manager, Communications and Marketing Project

Melanie Nahachewsky, Senior Project Manager, Communications and Marketing Project

Erica Schindel, ASR Communications Specialist

Erica Schindel, Communications Specialist

Simone Knapp, Business Analyst

Simone Knapp, Business Analyst

Sara Fox, Senior Business Architect

Sara Fox, Senior Business Architect

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