Message from the ASR Initiative Executive Sponsors

Message from ASR Executive Sponsors.

July 4, 2023

To be the university the world needs is a bold ambition. 

In 2018, the University of Saskatchewan approved a University Plan that was rooted in our mission, vision, and values, and connected to our bright future. By weaving together our commitments, goals, principles, and regions of impact, the plan continues to frame our activities and actions until 2025. In a period marked by significant change, it requires us to be very disciplined about tracking our progress.  

Over the past decade, USask has invested substantially in creating the conditions for collaboration on campus: We have developed dynamic spaces for interdisciplinary interaction. Our research and innovation enterprises are increasingly focused on providing services that accelerate partnerships. Our Shared Services model has been implemented to improve services related to finance, human resources, information technology, and facilities management. However, there is still more work to do to align structures, modernize our institutional practices, and better integrate our supports and services across campus to ensure that academic, administrative, and physical infrastructure enable collaborative opportunities for all students, faculty, and staff. 

Thanks to the investment from the Government of Saskatchewan, we have an opportunity to consider our path forward and strengthen our administrative alignment. Ensuring we are effectively and efficiently providing administrative services across campus is one of the ways we can work toward a more sustainable future. 

As outlined in our University Plan 2025, we have a responsibility and an opportunity to lead with respect: nīkānītān manācihitowinihk. ni manachīhitoonaan. Working in collaboration with deans, executive directors, and senior leaders on campus, the ASR Initiative is co-designing a new way forward for administrative professionals to work—and to work together—at USask. 

Through the ASR Initiative, we can break down silos and align structures to support collaboration. We can reduce the administrative burden on faculty, while uplifting our administrative professionals by providing them with a community of practice and a network of colleagues across the institution. We can also nurture their career development, help build their capacity and create an environment where they will continue helping USask excel in teaching, learning, research, and community engagement. 

By working together, we can be what the world needs. 

Dr. Airini (PhD) 
Provost and Vice-President Academic, University of Saskatchewan

Greg Fowler 
Vice-President Administration and Chief Operating Officer, University of Saskatchewan

Decision-Making Bodies

The ASR Initiative will impact how administrative services are delivered at USask. This type of organizational change requires significant leadership, collaboration, and consultation with stakeholders both centrally and within colleges, schools, and units across campus.

ASR Executive Committee

The ASR Initiative is governed by two executive sponsors, Dr. Airini, USask provost and vice-president academic, and Greg Fowler, USask vice-president administration and chief operating officer. The executive sponsors and the two project sponsors—Dr. Vince Bruni-Bossio, interim associate provost strategic priorities, and Chantel Laventure, director, shared services—make up the ASR executive team. Combined, they are responsible for making final recommendations regarding the ASR Initiative to the President's Executive Council for review and approval.   

ASR Steering Committee and ASR advisory committees

The ASR Initiative is guided by the ASR steering committee and ASR advisory committees. The steering committee provides recommendations to the executive team on areas of opportunity in the efficient delivery of administrative services and a proposed new service delivery model and includes representation from many of the vice-presidential portfolios and academic units. 

From December 2021 to August 2023, an advisory committee provided advice to the steering committee on issues of change management and includes representation from information technology, human resources, the university governance office and university library, and the Edwards School of Business.

The ASR Steering Committee members include:

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