A Message from the Horizons Project Executive Sponsor

Dr. Airini (PhD), Provost and Vice-President Academic, University of Saskatchewan

A Message from the Horizons Project Executive Sponsor

Hello. Bonjour.
tānisi. hãn. ëdƚanet’e? taanishi. aniin
[English. French. Cree. Dakota/Lakota/Nakota. Dene. Michif. Saulteaux]

At the University of Saskatchewan (USask), it is our bold ambition to be the university the world needs.

We believe that USask has much to offer its communities and we are dedicated to delivering on our mission. We aspire to set the standard in learning, teaching, research, scholarly, and artistic work, and community engagement.

And we will get there, through initiatives like the Horizons Project.

As we focus on a future of excellence, the Government of Saskatchewan has resourced our Horizons Project through a one-time, multi-year investment of $31 million. As you will learn, this funding has been allocated to 27 key initiatives at our university that align with our University Plan 2025 and that support our ongoing, continuous improvement efforts.

These important initiatives are inspired, and inspiring: They will help us transition from the COVID-19 pandemic. They will generate revenue and reduce expenses. They will grow our teaching, research, and community engagement. They will build on our foundation for a sustainable future. And they will provide students with the knowledge and skills needed for social, cultural, and economic development in Saskatchewan and the world.

“Horizons” was chosen as the name of this unique endeavour. When you look at our Saskatchewan horizons, the prairie skies are wide open, expansive, limitless—just like our aspirations for this university, and its people.

When our Council, Senate, and Board approved our University Plan 2025 in 2018, we said: “This horizon, these prairie horizons, are ours—to encircle our efforts as a world-class university. We will be the university the world needs, for Saskatchewan and from Saskatchewan.”

It is an exciting time for USask—a time of great possibility and a time of optimism for the future. In the years ahead, we will be able to say we were here, building something important for generations to come. 

Thank you for looking to our horizons, and beyond. Together, we will be the university the world needs. 

Dr. Airini (PhD)
Provost and Vice-President Academic
University of Saskatchewan