The Job Architecture Project is a campus-wide project to design a job architecture and create consistent job profile standards. This work established the foundation needed to design consistent and equitable workforce practices across campus, create role clarity and career paths for our workforce, and fully benefit from the new Enterprise Resource Planning system.


A standard job architecture is expected to lay the foundation to enable significant institutional benefits.

  • A standardized and sound system for determining the value of jobs based on talent drivers, business needs and the competitive employment market, confirming appropriate stewardship of our significant expenditures on talent.
  • Workforce planning and career paths that are logical and transparent which enhance employee understanding of their fit and institutional investment in talent.
  • Consistent and equitable methodology for assigning job levels and titles that are based on USask-wide criteria, eliminating guesswork, and promoting trust in practices.
  • Efficient and appropriate access to systems, tools and data based on job roles, leading to enhanced security and associated protections of confidential personal information of our employees which align with existing policies and procedures.
  • Appropriate authority based on job level and the ability to address audit requirements more fully.
  • Data consistency and management practices which enable strategic insights at the institutional level through reporting and analytics.
  • Capability for consistent and efficient approval, recruitment and other administrative processes.
  • Visibility into roles which are inconsistent, overlapping or duplicated across the institution and an enhanced ability to identify talent gaps.
  • Visibility which allows application of people programs to the right people, leading to enhanced career engagement and strengthened compensation strategies.

Benefits for individual employees

Greater role clarity enables
  • clear roles and responsibilities
  • alignment between training and accountabilities
  • precision on pay and reward
  • confidence that compensation is appropriate
  • systematic and straightforward performance assessment
  • visible career paths
  • confidence in equitable treatment across the organization
  • opportunity for collaboration across functional disciplines
Benefits for Colleges and units
  • Administrative efficiencies may free up capacity and funds for specialized skillsets.
  • Consistent structures may result in less internal turnover.
  • Assistance with future organizational structure changes based on standards
