Economic impact analysis of the University of Saskatchewan

In partnership with the Assessment and Analytics team, RTI International produced a report highlighting the USask impact on the provincial economy. 

This report is intended to serve a specific purpose: to determine the USask impact on the province of Saskatchewan, from an economic perspective.

You will see many numbers that explain various aspects of this economic impact, as well as explanation as to how those numbers were arrived at. Similar studies are often created or commissioned by post-secondary institutions, and use various methods to determine the economic impact. Due to variances from study to study in how this is calculated, direct comparisons often cannot be made from one institution to the next, without reading the full report and understanding the context of any given study.

In order to provide clarity, RTI has looked at a number of reports from other Canadian universities and has included points of comparison as part of the overall report. You can find this information on pages 12-13.

Ecomomic impact study

Economic impact study (with technical appendix)

Economic impact study - frequently asked questions