USask Finances
The University of Saskatchewan’s financial processes are designed to promote financial sustainability and remain aligned with its strategic priorities.
The university’s financial structure
The university has a wide breadth of activities. Revenues and expenses related to these activities are classified into fund types for budgeting, financial management and reporting.
These fund types are further classified as unrestricted or restricted.
Unrestricted Funds
Resources into these funds can be used to support any purpose related to the university’s academic and research mission.
These activities provide goods and services to the university community, which are supplementary to the functions of instruction and research. These essential supports include residences, bookstores, food services, parking, provision of utilities to non-university organizations, and real estate development.
Restricted Funds
Resources into these funds carry restrictions for particular defined purposes and cannot be used for other expenses beyond these purposes or for general university operations.
USask's Revenue Sources
USask's revenue sources include government grants and contracts, student fees, sales services/products, donations, investment income and other revenue streams.
USask's Expenditures
USask's expenditures include salaries and benefits, operations supplies and contracts, travel, utilities, maintenance, rental, renovations and amortizations and other expenses.
Financial planning and reporting
The University of Saskatchewan uses an integrated financial planning, budgeting, monitoring and financial reporting process to promote financial sustainability and remain aligned with the priorities identified in the University Plan 2025. Each annual cycle culminates in the university’s annual report, including the audited financial statements which are tabled in the provincial legislature.
Annual financial planning and reporting timelines
Comprehensive Budget
Annual financial planning, including development of detailed annual budgets for the university’s teaching, learning and support operations, takes place between September and March each year to align with the academic programming timelines. This process includes participation from leaders across the university to develop budgets required to support the operations and priorities within their responsibility centres (colleges, schools and administrative units). These budgets are reviewed and approved by the respective Deans and unit leaders and submitted to the President, Provost and VP Finance and Resources for approval. These responsibility centre budgets are integrated into the comprehensive budget presented for approval to the University of Saskatchewan Board of Governors.
The university’s resource allocation process
Within the Operating fund, certain revenues are received centrally by the university rather than directly by responsibility centres. These centrally received revenues are subject to the university’s resource allocation process, whereby resources are allocated to responsibility centres to fund their operating activities (i.e. teaching and learning, academic and administrative support, and community outreach). Centrally received revenues primarily include:
Tuition and Fees
Revenue collected through the payment of student tuition and fees that are used to support the delivery of academic programming and university operations.
Multi-year forecasting
The university prepares a multi-year financial forecast based on key assumptions about its major revenue and expense drivers (e.g. provincial operating grant, tuition and fees, salaries and benefits). This allows for the monitoring of financial risks and the development of appropriate mitigation plans to ensure the university continues to meet its strategic objectives.
Please contact us if you have questions relating to the university's finances.