The President's
Priorities and Initiatives
I see USask’s role as crucial in driving local, provincial, national and international innovation agendas. Our university has a strong record of being innovative, can become stronger and more deliberate in driving innovation within the region, and can be recognized by our stakeholders and constituents for playing this important role.
Indigenization and Reconciliation
The world needs a university in which Indigenous concepts, methodologies, pedagogies, languages, and philosophies are respectfully woven into the tapestry of learning, research, scholarship, creativity, and community engagement. These values are part of a broader commitment to “transformative decolonization” leading to reconciliation.
USask plays a vital role in nurturing, empowering, and unleashing the curiosity that will allow us to imagine a brighter, more sustainable future. We have a number of sustainability initiatives and the President’s Advisory Circle of sustainability leaders and champions are in the midst of developing a strategic and integrated sustainability plan for the University of Saskatchewan. The plan will encompass the discovery, teaching, and engagement missions of the institutions as well as include the campuses own operations and facilities.
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Universities provide a safe and welcoming environment. I believe strongly in our institutional values, which embrace diversity and ensures fair, respectful and inclusive treatment of all its members
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General information and requests
For meeting, speaking or general scheduling requests, and general information or questions please contact Allyssa Anton.
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