
Teaching and learning support units

The administrative units below all work together in support of student success and report to the Vice-Provost Teaching, Learning and Student Experience.

Access and Equity Services

Access and Equity Services (AES) is responsible for providing, along with faculty, reasonable accommodations for students who experience barriers to their education on the basis of a prohibited ground(s), including disability, religion, family status and gender identity.

As of September 2024, the AES Exam Centre is now located within the Williams Building, 3rd floor, Room 344. The accessible entrance and elevator are located at the rear entrance at the southeast corner of the building.

Admissions and Transfer Credit

Manages the admissions system and process for most undergraduate programs, including credit transfer and evaluation. The unit facilitates the admission of Canadian and international students to direct entry programs by interpreting and setting policies, evaluating credentials, making admissions decisions, and assessing transfer credit. Additionally, it advises non-direct entry programs on admission and international credentialing.

Career Services

Connects students with employers. Offers career development and job skills programming.

Gordon Oakes Red Bear Student Centre

The Gordon Oakes Red Bear Student Centre is dedicated to supporting the personal, social, cultural, and academic success of Métis, First Nations and Inuit students.

To speak with someone: Drop by the centre during office hours, call or email.

Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching and Learning

The Gwenna Moss Centre is committed to supporting and improving teaching and learning at the University of Saskatchewan. We have a variety of programming and resources to help faculty, instructors and grad students.

International Student and Study Abroad Centre

The International Student and Study Abroad Centre (ISSAC) is a central support unit and a campus partner for all students, staff, and faculty. ISSAC is dedicated to fostering a welcoming, globally aware and inclusive campus community.

Language Centre

English language programs for students whose first language is not English.

Office of Teaching and Learning

The Office of Teaching and Learning leads and advances key strategic projects and provides services related to teaching and learning across the institution.

Registrarial Services

Supports registration, tuition and fee assessment, Course and Program Catalogue, academic program development, class build, room scheduling, exams, grades, transcripts, Convocation, non-credit and events registration.

Student Affairs and Outreach

A team of registered social workers who provide same-day, holistic and comprehensive support for students throughout their academic journey. Services include immediate support to students, crisis response, educational programming, and consultation with faculty, staff, community members, and students who are concerned about a student.

To speak with someone: Call or book an appointment online.

Student Central BA

For questions about class registration, student loans, financial appeals, understanding your tuition, academic life, and referrals to USask colleges and support units.

To speak with someone: Please call, email or book an appointment. There are no in-person drop-in options available.

Student Finance and Awards

For questions about payment options for tuition/fees, refunds, sponsorship or agency funding, scholarships and bursaries.

To speak with someone: Call or book an appointment.

Student Information Systems (SIS)

Maintains and evolves the university’s student information systems, supporting the Teaching, Learning, and Student Experience portfolio. SIS collects, stores, and retrieves student data, providing academic and administrative staff with up-to-date information for student success and institutional planning.

SIS collaborates with other admin and technology units to deliver 24-hour web-based services to students, including admissions, registration, grades and transcripts, and fee payment. It also offers business analysis services to streamline processes across campus.

Student Recruitment

Coordinates and delivers outreach activities, events, and communications to recruit prospective students, supporting the university’s strategic enrolment goals. Student Recruitment attracts prospective students through major events, marketing, and initiatives, providing information about colleges, programs, services, and opportunities at the USask.

Student Wellness Centre

The Student Wellness Centre offers physical and mental health care to USask students and their dependents. Chiropractic, physiotherapy and massage appointments are available to USask students, staff, and faculty.